Palettize Menu
Palettize can reduce and re-map image colors to fit color requirements.
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Palettize can reduce and re-map image colors to fit color requirements.
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"Palettize" has several input settings, but requires at least one layer and frame for each image. It can be found in "Help" -> "Retro Diffusion Scripts" -> "Palettize," or in "Sprite" -> "Palettize."
"Palettize" requires an active sprite canvas and the RGB color mode.
It also uses "k-means" clustering to reduce the number of colors in an image.
"Palette source" lets you pick which color palette you want applied to the selected images.
The "Automatic" palette source analyzes the image and selects the best number of colors to reduce it to without losing detail.
The "Best Palette" palette source looks at a folder with multiple PNG palette images and decides which palette best fits the current image based on color differences.
Available palettes in example: nice31, blk-36, commadore64, fantasy24, and vinik24. Commadore64 was chosen for its better coverage of all hues.
The "Adaptive" palette source restricts the colors to an exact number, and any new colors are derived from the original image.
The "Active palette" palette source uses the colors from the current sprite's palette.
The "Defaults" palette source provides a list of the palettes that are built into Aseprite.
The "File" palette source lets you choose an image to use as a palette. It must be a PNG image.
The "URL" palette source loads the image from the url in the text box.
Dithering was a technique commonly used in older art to make better use of the then limited colors. Now, it is a common practice in pixel art used to create details, gradients, and other image features.
"Matix Size" can be set to "None" (no dithering), "Bayer 2x2," "Bayer 4x4," or "Bayer 8x8."
"Dither Strength" controls how much dithering is applied to the image.
Denoising is an advanced feature and is only recommended for experienced users. Without experience, denoising often leads to poor results.
"Smoothness" (appears when the denoise box is checked) does exactly what it says-it controls an image's smoothness. This is related to kernel size.
The "Strength" slider controls how aggressively the denoising tries to remove stray pixels.
This applies "Palettize" to multiple images. If both options are checked, all images in the sprite will be processed.
The "All layers" checkbox applies "Palettize" to all layers in the selected frame.
The "All frames" checkbox applies "Palettize" to all frames on the selected layer.
"Process in background" keeps the command line interface minimized.