Retro Diffusion for Aseprite

What is the Retro Diffusion Aseprite extension, and how do I install and configure it?

Retro Diffusion is available as an extension for the popular pixel art program Aseprite, and can be purchased on both Gumroad and

What is Retro Diffusion?

Retro Diffusion is an extension for the popular pixel art software Aseprite. This extension allows the easy installation and use of Stable Diffusion AI image generator from inside Aseprite. It includes advanced features like smart color reduction and text guided palette creation. By using this state of the art pixel model, you can design incredible pixel art pieces in record time.

Custom pixel art AI model

Retro Diffusion uses its own pixel art model, meaning its results are astronomically better than any competing model or AI. If you have tried Dall-e 3, Stable Diffusion, or even Midjourney to create accurate pixel art before, you know they just don't cut it.

Perhaps one reason why the RD (Retro Diffusion) model is so much better is that it has been trained on licensed assets from Astropulse and other pixel artists with their consent.

For information on system requirements and installation, continue to the next page.

Last updated